News & Events

June 14, 2020


We have been through a very tough time this year, but finally it seems that the reopening of our cities is around the corner. It will be of course a gradual process, but very soon we should all be ready to roll up our sleeves and prepare ourselves for new processes, and new ways to provide our services.

If you are a restaurant owner or work at a bakery or a bar, but also if you run or work in an office, the last 3 months have been very challenging. Closure of public spaces, remote working, food deliveries that didn’t really helped the Hospitality Industry have suddenly become part of our daily lives that had to be completely redesigned by all of us.  Even though  there have been many initiatives created to support local business and some financial help by the Government, we bet that, like us, you really want to get back to work. And we want to be at your side and help during this reopening phase.

This is why we partnered with Tekneitalia to bring to you plexiglass covid-19 screens to protect you, as well as your employees and clients. To celebrate this partnership, we have today the pleasure to share an interview to Vincenzo Bonarrigo, Marketing Director at TekneItalia.

Vincenzo Bonarrigo

• How did you get the idea of ​​the plexiglass panels to protect people from covid-19?

Tekneitalia products have always been designed starting from the needs of our clients. The recent scenario has prompted us to ideate anti-covid-19 devices, easy to assemble, adaptable even to older models of our ice-cream carts and that do not affect the aesthetics of Tekneitalia products. The goal is always to help our clients face and get prepared for the next season in a safe way, without losing their identity. From the ice-cream carts, we have enriched the product line with plexiglass screens designed to be installed also in restaurants, bars, bakeries and even offices.

• Why did you choose plexiglass as the material to be used for the panels?

The idea was to work with materials suitable for easy cleaning and for the safety of all the people who stays behind and in front of the cart. Another goal is to make our clients independent, from the first installation of the panels to their usage. Their straight shapes and small dimensions make them easy to be replacedt in the rare case they break. Furthermore, the steel and aluminum structure that supports the panels can easily manage the substitution of the plexyglass with other materials, such as glass.

• Did you test other materials before deciding to work with plexiglass?

Tekneitalia has always used glass for shielding (showcases, countertops etc.), but the use of plexyglass or compact polycarbonate seemed to be more suitable for this purpose, thanks to its lightness and safety.

• In which contexts did you start distributing plexiglass screens?

During the past 10 years, we have been creating safety devices for our carts, countertops and other projects required by health regulations around the world. So we have been in this business for a while, and always with the goal to protect people and workers.

• How do you think the user experience of a restaurant or a bakery or a bar, and even an ice-cream cart can be redesigned thanks to the anticovid-19 screens?

We believe that in addition to the screens, it will be necessary to assess and redesign the overall user experience, in all those contexts that cannot be managed virtually, rethinking the complete journey of customers.

It could be an opportunity to make the customer experience more effective. The challenge now is to make it also enjoyable, considering the circumnstances. As we all know, big stores and chains have always been very careful to the management of the customer journey, for example with the usage of special signs. All of this was designed though exclusively to increase effectiveness and therefore was seen as a revenue generator solution. Today, instead,we have the duty and the mission to add the health and safety component to the whole experience.

Here at Modalita, our team of experts and designers will help you identify and design the best way to use TekneItalia screens, so that you can guarantee protection to yourself, your employees and your clients, without any aesthetic impact on your business.

The anticovid-19 screens are all REMOVABLE, which means that once we will have a cure for corona virus, you can simply remove them from your bar and restaurant, or from your office desk, and keep them clean in your storage.

Get in touch today. We will be happy to help you get back to business.

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